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Why order with

Find Favorites and Discover New Ones

Browse thousands of restaurants and stores to get the best of your neighborhood delivered.

Free, Easy, and Essential

It's free to order, so save time tackling your to-do list at home, at work, or on the go.

Earn Points and Get Rewards

Score Delivery Points with every purchase and cash them in for gift cards and other rewards.

What people say about us

@deliverydotcom saves the day...night... Friday night. Friday night They saved my burger.


The amount of joy I get from reaching the number of points required to get $20 off @deliverydotcom is probably not normal.


Just convinced myself that it's "too late" to do dishes so @deliverydotcom it is.


I’m obsessed with excellent customer service...thanks @deliverydotcom for being awesome!


Chinese and I are in love--we're getting married. You can find our registry @deliverydotcom #chinesefood


Ordering from @deliverydotcom in the cab ride home. Reasons why I love NYC.

T. Kyle

@deliverydotcom saves the day...night... Friday night. Friday night They saved my burger.


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For Local Businesses

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Delivery Points

No one else dishes out such great rewards!

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